Only ever heard of your Sun sign?

That is just one part of a huge array of planets, asteroids, and the connections between them that define your "birth chart". Astrology is, to me, one of the best tools for self-exploration, self-acceptance, and self-growth. It is an impartial and objective view on your personality- your struggles, your desires, your weaknesses and strengths.

The birth chart is a map that shows your psychological dynamics, the nature of your character, your temperament, and how that influences what happens to you. This is also called your "Natal Chart."

We can create a birth, or natal, chart for many types of events- the start of your business (event), a marriage (event), a human (natal), or a question (horary). There are many more types of Astrology... it's a creative, complicated art!

I work with Natal & Horary charts.

Natal Astrology

While I'm on the road, my support systems are limited... No consistent internet, no computer, etc. While traveling, I'm offering limited Natal readings. Email me your full birth information, and up to three areas of life that you are interested in learning more about. These could be love, kids, childhood/parents, career, creativity, etc. I'll type up your reading and email it to you as soon as I can. Full readings and consultations will be available again in the future!

Horary astrology

Similar to other forms of divination, you can consult the stars to answer burning questions...

Will we get married? Should I move to the city? Will I get that job?

You can ask me (or another Astrologer), and I'll cast a chart for your question. No birth information is needed! I cast the chart for when I understand the question, based on the time and place of where I am.

How to ask a horary question

Is there something on your mind? If it's important to you, then it's probably a good Horary question. (Try to limit your questions to one at a time.)

  • First, make sure it's directly related to you and your life. (Don't ask about your cousin's marriage if you're just being nosy...)

  • Second, make sure it's pressing. (It's hard to say if you will or will not have a kid within ten years, but if the timeline is within one year it's much clearer.)

  • Third, try to make the question as clear as possible. A 'yes' or 'no' is the easiest to answer, whereas complicated questions will likely have complicated and messy answers.

Sample questions

I lost my engagement ring. Will I find it? (And, if yes, is there any insght to where or when?)

I had an interview... Will I get the job?

Will I marry the person I'm currently dating? Or, Where is this relationship going?

How can I improve my relationship with my spouse?

Is this a good time for me to go back to school?

*I do not accept Medical Questions

**Timing questions, such as 'When should I do this," are electional, not Horary

Resources for learning

I'm all about gaining knowledge!! If you wanted book reccomendations, see what's On My Bookshelf. Otherwise, here are some great articles and podcasts to check out.

Chris Brennan's Podcast: The Astrology Podcast

Kirah Tabourn's Podcast: The Strology Show

Bob Marks: The Basics, In Depth

Midlife Transits, Explained

Your Child's Moon Sign